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Inverse trigonometric functions review

Review your knowledge of the inverse trigonometric functions, arcsin(x), arccos(x), & arctan(x).

What are the inverse trigonometric functions?

arcsin(x), or sin1(x), is the inverse of sin(x).
arccos(x), or cos1(x), is the inverse of cos(x).
arctan(x), or tan1(x), is the inverse of tan(x).

Range of the inverse trig functions

The trigonometric functions aren't really invertible, because they have multiple inputs that have the same output. For example, sin(0)=sin(π)=0. So what should be sin1(0)?
In order to define the inverse functions, we have to restrict the domain of the original functions to an interval where they are invertible. These domains determine the range of the inverse functions.
The value from the appropriate range that an inverse function returns is called the principal value of the function.
Want to learn more about arcsin(x)? Check out this video.
Want to learn more about arccos(x)? Check out this video.
Want to learn more about arctan(x)? Check out this video.

Check your understanding

Problem 1
The sine value of all options is 0.98. Which is the principal value of arcsin(0.98)?
All measures are in radians.
صرف 1 جواب چنو

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