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Exponential models: FAQ

Frequently asked questions about exponential models

What is an exponential model?

An exponential model is a type of function that shows how a quantity grows exponentially over time. We often use exponential models to represent things like population growth, radioactive decay, and compound interest.

Where are exponential models used in the real world?

Exponential models are used all over the place! As we mentioned earlier, they can be used to model population growth, radioactive decay, and compound interest. But they can also be used to model things like bacteria growth, the spread of an infectious disease, and even the growth of a social media account.

What is a "rate of change"?

In mathematics, the rate of change tells us how quickly a quantity is changing over time. For an exponential model, the rate of change gives us information about how quickly the quantity grows (or decays) over time.

What does "advanced interpretation" of an exponential model mean?

In this context, "advanced interpretation" refers to being able to take an exponential model and understand what the different parts of it mean. For example, we should be able to figure out what the initial value is, how quickly the quantity is growing, and what the trend will be over time.