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Multiplying monomials by polynomials review

We use the distributive property to multiply monomials by polynomials. For example, 2x(3x+7) = 6x^2+14x. This article provides a brief review of the topic and gives you a couple of practice problems to try on your own.
In order to multiply monomials like 6z2 by polynomials like 7z2+3z2, we need to apply the distributive property.


Express your answer as a trinomial.
This is a distributive property problem. How can we distribute 6z2 to each term inside of the parentheses?
This product is equal to 42z4+18z312z2.
Want to learn more about multiplying monomials by polynomials? Check out this video.


Problem 1
Express your answer as a trinomial.

Want more practice? Check out this exercise.