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Symmetry of polynomials

Learn how to determine if a polynomial function is even, odd, or neither.

What you should be familiar with before taking this lesson

A function is an even function if its graph is symmetric with respect to the y-axis.
Algebraically, f is an even function if f(x)=f(x) for all x.
A function is an odd function if its graph is symmetric with respect to the origin.
Algebraically, f is an odd function if f(x)=f(x) for all x.
If this is new to you, we recommend that you check out our intro to symmetry of functions.

What you will learn in this lesson

You will learn how to determine whether a polynomial is even, odd, or neither, based on the polynomial's equation.

Investigation: Symmetry of monomials

A monomial is a one-termed polynomial. Monomials have the form f(x)=axn where a is a real number and n is an integer greater than or equal to 0.
In this investigation, we will analyze the symmetry of several monomials to see if we can come up with general conditions for a monomial to be even or odd.
In general, to determine whether a function f is even, odd, or neither even nor odd, we analyze the expression for f(x):
  • If f(x) is the same as f(x), then we know f is even.
  • If f(x) is the opposite of f(x), then we know f is odd.
  • Otherwise, it is neither even nor odd.
As a first example, let's determine whether f(x)=4x3 is even, odd, or neither.
f(x)=4(x)3=4(x3)(x)3=x3=4x3Simplify=f(x)Since f(x)=4x3
Here f(x)=f(x), and so function f is an odd function.
Now try some examples on your own to see if you can find a pattern.
1) Is g(x)=3x2 even, odd, or neither?
صرف 1 جواب چنو

2) Is h(x)=2x5 even, odd, or neither?
صرف 1 جواب چنو

Concluding the investigation

From the above problems, we see that if f is a monomial function of even degree, then function f is an even function. Similarly, if f is a monomial function of odd degree, then function f is an odd function.
Even FunctionOdd Function
Examples g(x)=3x2h(x)=2x5
In generalf(x)=axn where n is evenf(x)=axn where n is odd
This is because (x)n=xn when n is even and (x)n=xn when n is odd.
This is probably the reason why even and odd functions were named as such in the first place!

Investigation: Symmetry of polynomials

In this investigation, we will examine the symmetry of polynomials with more than one term.

Example 1: f(x)=2x43x25

To determine whether f is even, odd, or neither, we find f(x).
f(x)=2(x)43(x)25=2(x4)3(x2)5(x)n=xn when n is even=2x43x25Simplify=f(x)Since f(x)=2x43x25
Since f(x)=f(x), function f is an even function.
Note that all the terms of f are of an even degree.

Example 2: g(x)=5x73x3+x

Again, we start by finding g(x).
g(x)=5(x)73(x)3+(x)=5(x7)3(x3)+(x)(x)n=xn when n is odd=5x7+3x3xSimplify
At this point, notice that each term in g(x) is the opposite of each term in g(x). In other words, g(x)=g(x), and so g is an odd function.
Note that all the terms of g are of an odd degree.

Example 3: h(x)=2x47x3

Let's find h(x).
h(x)=2(x)47(x)3=2(x4)7(x3)(x)4=x4 and (x)3=x3=2x4+7x3Simplify
2x4+7x3 is not the same as h(x) nor is it the opposite of h(x).
Mathematically, h(x)h(x) and h(x)h(x), and so h is neither even nor odd.
Note that h has one even-degree term and one odd-degree term.

Concluding the investigation

In general, we can determine whether a polynomial is even, odd, or neither by examining each individual term.
xGeneral ruleExample polynomial
EvenA polynomial is even if each term is an even function.f(x)=2x43x25
OddA polynomial is odd if each term is an odd function.g(x)=5x73x3+x
NeitherA polynomial is neither even nor odd if it is made up of both even and odd functions.h(x)=2x47x3

Check your understanding

3) Is f(x)=3x47x2+5 even, odd, or neither?
صرف 1 جواب چنو

4) Is g(x)=8x76x3+x2 even, odd, or neither?
صرف 1 جواب چنو

5) Is h(x)=10x5+2x3x even, odd, or neither?
صرف 1 جواب چنو